Delhi Metro, India
The Delhi Metro used over 20 TBMs with GFRP bars for rapid tunneling through softeyes, enabling quick access for machines. GFRP anchors secured walls during excavation and required no removal. Bartec couplers connected rebars, offering tensile strength of up to 800 MPa, ensuring durability and efficiency.
GFRP materials, used in aerospace, offer durable, sustainable solutions for highways. They address steel’s limitations, ensuring longer service life. Extensive research has proven GFRP’s durability and cost-effectiveness for bridges and roads, driving its adoption in the highway infrastructure sector.
North Tunnel Section (Brenner Pass)
The Brenner Pass tunnel reinforced bore piles and walls with steel-free GFRP rebar to prevent induction currents from the nearby subway. This design offered corrosion resistance, reduced cracking, and ensured long-term performance over 6,400 m².
Steel Furnace Foundation
GFRP rebar replaced steel in furnace foundations due to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, and high strength. Suitable for soil and water contact, GFRP extended foundation lifespan, reduced maintenance costs, and supported heavy loads in challenging environments.